Merciful 5
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PowerCache Installation Notes
NOTE: If you use the Commodore Installer script, you must copy the keyfile
PowerCache.key into your L: directory manually.
There are two ways of installing PowerCache. Either you can choose to
install PowerCache "the old-fashioned way", with the IconX script provided
here, or you can use the "Installer" script in the Workbench2.1+ directory.
Note, that as the Installer is an official Commodore product, it is not
provided in this distribution. Doing so would conflict with the copyrights
imposed by Commodore. The Installer has now been released to the general
public, so it should not be too hard for you to pick it up off some PD
series in the near future (try Fred Fish, or, better still, call your
favourite BBS system). When I receive my Installer distribution licence, I
will supply the Installer executable.
If you have Workbench 2.1, 3.0 or higher, you will find Installer on your
Workbench installation disk. Simply copy it to the C: directory, or
anywhere in your Shell command path.
If you choose to perform a manual installation, you must
· Copy libs/reqtools.library from the distribution disk to your own
LIBS: directory
· Make a directory called "PowerCache" on your system disk (hard disk)
· Assuming the distribution disk is in DF0: and your system disk is DH0:,
issue the following CLI command:
1> Copy DF0:PowerCache DH0:PowerCache ; Or Copy DF0:PowerCache.020...
Next, make a "Documentation" directory, in the PowerCache directory you
made in the previous step. Then issue this command:
1> Copy DF0:PowerCache/Documentation/#?.guide#? DH0:PowerCache/Documentation
· Put the following few lines into your S:User-Startup file:
;BEGIN PowerCache
Assign PowerCache: DH0:PowerCache DEFER
;END PowerCache
PowerCache can be run without this assign, but only if you organize it on
your harddisk exactly as it is on the distribution disk. That is,
PowerCache must be able to open either "Documentation/PowerCache.guide"
from its root directory, or "PowerCache:Documentation/PowerCache.guide".
For future compatibility it is recommended that you do indeed include the
assign statement in your user-startup file, since later versions of the
program may *require* this assign in order to work at all.
For further information on how to perform a manual installation, please
consult the PowerCache documentation file (PowerCache.guide) located in the
Documentation drawer.